One of the most proven solutions to finding healing from Complex Trauma is having a safe person to be open and vulnerable with. Equip yourself with powerful tools to become that safe person for those struggling with mental health issues and addictions.

ALIGN self-study resources are designed to equip you with healthier tools to assist you in helping others facing common challenges that stem from Complex Trauma.

Complex Trauma is prevalent in all sorts of relationships - including parent to child, friendships, loved ones and between intimate partners. Explore our ALIGN Practical Tools for Healing resources below and start bringing healing into your own relationships today!


ALIGN with your Growing Child

Self-study resources designed to equip you with healthier tools to parent yourself and your child.

ALIGN with your Loved One

Self-study resources designed to equip you with healthier tools to love someone with an addiction or mental health issues.

Coming Soon: ALIGN with your Partner

Self-study resources designed to equip you with healthier tools to navigate your intimate relationships where Complex Trauma is prevalent.

What is ALIGN and who is it for?

ALIGN Practical Tools for Healing offer psycho-educational resources for people to use at home and are based on the teachings of Tim Fletcher’s RE/ACT program. These tools are all about helping you get aligned in your relationships:

  • By understanding and dealing with your own painful issues, you can understand and teach others how to deal with theirs

  • By understanding how to meet your own needs, you can learn how to meet other’s needs, and teach them about meeting their own

  • By understanding what emotions are and how they work in the limbic system, you and your loved ones can grow together in emotional intelligence

The most important thing to remember is to continue to work on our own “stuff” to avoid traumatizing others. We can not cope or deal with our past traumas by trying to see the changes in others that we hope to see in ourselves. Through compassion, patience and a mastery of our own emotions, you will see positive changes in your children, your loved ones, in your relationships and within yourself.

These modules are developed for adults, or parents who are raising children of any age.

If you or a loved one needs additional help or resources, send an email to and we will be happy to help you or answer your questions.

With Love,

Tim Fletcher

Trauma is not what happens to you. Trauma is what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you. - Gabor Maté

Our programs and training environments encourage participants to look at early childhood environments with a different type of lens; not only focusing on seemingly obvious, (largely traumatic) events, but on all of the pieces that may have played a role. We investigate biological, psychological, social and spiritual factors with a measure of curiosity, compassion and love. By examining the entire picture, we are able to see that several aspects of early childhood can be traumatic, resulting in shame-based identity development, unsound coping adaptations, and unhealthy relationship attachments.

We’re here to safely connect with, and help you explore that journey of discovery - together!