Looking to bring a RE/ACT program to your community, church or organization? Inquire today or explore our Enterprise License Options. The RE/ACT programs are available in several different easy-to implement modalities, tailored to your organization’s structure. From simple programs to data monitoring + statistical partnering, we can help each other revolutionize recovery.
Our powerful programs are available in a variety of licensing options
Browse our licensing options below. The RE/ACT licenses are tailored to many types of organizations or individuals with different demographics, goals or missions. If you’re unsure where to begin, contact our Licensing Team! We would be happy to help you.
Month-to-Month Licensing Packages
Ideal for: Individuals looking to bring Complex Trauma healing home, 12-Step Groups, Homeless Shelters, Transitional Housing Units, Church or Community Groups, Counsellors, Social Services Agencies En Route allows an individual or organization to license 40 lessons from our RE/ACT Phase 1 material. Designed as an introductory program, it is used to plant incredible seeds of healing by offering practical tools, language and a safe space to begin a dialogue around various Complex Trauma topics.
Ideal for: RE/ACT Centre, Integration or Essentials Licensees Provide ongoing support through this Transitional program for RE/ACT Phase 2 graduates. The KEYS Transitional Learning Program focuses on achieving long-term balance and wellbeing through addressing relapse triggers, warning signs, skill building and tool enhancement.
Ideal for: Existing RE/ACT Program Licensees, School Counsellors, Child/ Youth Counsellors, Social Workers Implement this teen-centric Complex Trauma program. This package includes everything you need to teach one-on-one and in small classroom settings of youth age 12-17. Modules included are: - Understanding Trauma - Live, Cope + Relate - Identifying Thinking Habits - Self-Talk - Identifying Shame, Masks + Roles - Roles in the Family Unit - Healing From Shame - Understanding Boundaries
Ideal for: Places with a 3+ month client stay, second and third stage recovery homes and addiction treatment facilities. This program offers highly successful programming that can be implemented into existing facilities to offer transformational healing. Courses and content are designed for teachers, coaches, leaders and industry professionals. Includes Phase 1, Phase 2 and optionally Phase 3. All out-patient programs are offered in a classroom setting promoting discussion and personal bonds.
Ideal for: Recovery Centres RE/ACT Integration is designed for organizations who are interested in partnering with us on a quest to improve client recovery. RE/ACT Integration offers the base program material from our Phase 1 and Phase 2 program that complement your existing programs. Optional textbooks, workbooks, orientation material, questionnaires and ongoing support are available.
Ideal for: NGO, NFP or Church Communities License everything you need to run a RE/ACT Centre in your community including classes, administration support, counselling and a strong, loving community. This license requires an existing NFP or NGO. Modelled after our locations across Canada, RE/ACT Centres offer out-patient 12-week recovery programs which provide recovery education for addictions and Complex Trauma. This includes Phase 1, Phase 2 and optionally Phase 3 treatment programs.
Download one of our licensed program demos
If you’re interested in licensing one of our programs, please feel free to download our demos. Please note that these are continuously updated with our newest editions of each program.
EN ROUTE Program License Demo
Download a copy of this sample in English
COMING SOON - German Language
COMING SOON - Spanish Language
Table of Contents is not applicable for this product
RE/ACT Essentials License Demo
Download a copy of this sample in English
PDF includes detailed Table of Contents
RE/ACT Integration License Demo
Download a copy of this sample in English
PDF includes detailed Table of Contents
RE/ACT Centre License Demo
Download a copy of this sample in English
PDF includes detailed Table of Contents
Rising From Ashes Supplement License Demo
Download a copy of this sample in English
PDF includes detailed Table of Contents
ACCEL Teen Program License Demo
Download a copy of this sample in English
PDF includes detailed Table of Contents
Training begins in our LIFT Online Learning Environment. This is where we learn how to lead ourselves before we lead others. Go to the LEARN page on our website to find out more.
The program cost is $1,500.00 (CAD) per person. We have a few different payment options and methods available. PayPal, Stripe or a valid Credit Card is required to make payments.
Each licensed program will be packaged and available via your membership key on our website. Each license will be loaded up with:
PDFs of your purchased material. (Essentials, Integration or Centre licenses come with one free hard copy of each manual which will be mailed to you.)
You have an option to print the material, or purchase your own printed and coiled copies (Available for Essentials, Integration, Centre Licenses)
All-access pass to video links
Ongoing updates to the material
All licensed programs are available for in-person groups only. COMPASS graduates are given license keys to coach individuals online.
We recommend that groups for any program remain less than 15 people. If you expect more people to attend group, then the teaching portion can have as many participants as you have space, but breakout rooms for discussion are required. Each breakout room requires a trained facilitator.
Yes, you may charge a small fee for each class attendance. It is our brand’s mission to make our programs widely accessible. Contact us for further details.
Trauma is not what happens to you. Trauma is what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you. - Gabor Maté
Our programs and training environments encourage participants to look at early childhood environments with a different type of lens; not only focusing on seemingly obvious, (largely traumatic) events, but on all of the pieces that may have played a role. We investigate biological, psychological, social and spiritual factors with a measure of curiosity, compassion and love. By examining the entire picture, we are able to see that several aspects of early childhood can be traumatic, resulting in shame-based identity development, unsound coping adaptations, and unhealthy relationship attachments.
We’re here to safely connect with, and help you explore that journey of discovery - together!