Do you have a loved one who is struggling with the effects of Complex Trauma? Issues, challenges and addictions affecting mental health and relationships can be difficult to navigate, especially when we love deeply. Explore the ALIGN Practical Tools For Healing modules below.

ALIGN Practical Tools for Healing are self-study resources designed to equip us with healthier tools to help the ones we love that are struggling with addictions or mental health issues. While we can’t fix others, we can work on becoming healthy ourselves; improving our relationships with them and setting them up for greater success.

‘How do I help someone with mental issues or addictions?’ This is a common question for many of us. It’s devastating and difficult watching those we love cause harm to themselves and others. The best place to start, is to get ourselves healthy and learn to be safe and reliable. But, our definition of safety is likely not the same as our loved ones’ definition, so it’s important to figure out what that looks like.”

- Tim Fletcher

Module 1 - Loving Someone with Anxiety

  • Navigating relationships that experience hard times are common and often difficult. Loving someone with anxiety is no exception. This can be extremely challenging, but can present incredible opportunities for us to grow. This module will help you help someone who struggles with anxiety. It can be a friend, family member or partner.

  • Downloadable PDF available immediately on purchase.

    Page Count: 10

Module 2 - Loving Someone with an Addiction - Part 1

  • Coming Soon

  • Downloadable PDF available immediately on purchase.

    Page Count: 12

Module 3 - Loving Someone with an Addiction - Part 2

  • Coming Soon

  • Downloadable PDF available immediately on purchase.

    Page Count: 9

What is ALIGN and who is it for?

The ALIGN Practical Tools for Healing courses offer psycho-educational resources for people to use at home and are based on the teachings of Tim Fletcher’s RE/ACT program. The Parent Focus self-study modules are all about helping you get aligned with your child:

  • By understanding and dealing with your own painful issues, you can understand and teach your child to deal with theirs

  • By understanding how to meet your own needs, you can learn how to meet your child’s needs and teach them about meeting their own

  • By understanding what emotions are and how they work in the limbic system, you and your child can grow together in emotional intelligence

As parents, the most important thing to remember is to continue to work on our own “stuff” to avoid traumatizing our children. We can not cope or deal with our past traumas by trying to see the changes in our children that we hope to see in ourselves. Through compassion, patience and a mastery of our own emotions, you will see positive changes in your children, and yourselves.

These modules are developed for parents and children of all ages. Some of the activities are better suited for one age or another but can be modified to suit the age of your child.

If you or a loved one needs additional help or resources, send an email to and we will be happy to help you or answer your questions.

With Love,

Tim Fletcher