Offering safe, loving and respectful environments and programs that address the biological, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of healing for people who suffer from addictions, trauma, or relational and spiritual brokenness. We offer an experience of freedom from the effects of Complex Trauma while equipping people with tools to face future challenges.
All of humanity deserves the right to 3 practical aspects of existence
The Ability To Live
Each and every human needs and deserves the ability to understand, and exist as, who they really are. This means to exist both authentically and vulnerably. The requirements for the ability to live this way lie in the fulfilment of the 12 Needs that Tim speaks of, including food, water, safety, respect, connection and love.
The Ability to Cope
Each and every human needs and deserves the ability to cope with any positive or adverse environment they find themselves in. Biologically, the tools to cope are rooted in the limbic system of the brain - fight, flight or freeze. These stress responses are dominant in early life, but remain this way unless new coping tools are learned.
The Ability to Relate
Each and every human needs and deserves the ability to relate to themselves, to others, and to the world, since humanity is relational by nature. When we grow up in adverse environments, our adaptations for relating to ourselves and others become inhibitors for forming close, meaningful, valuable connections.
If we can heal Complex Trauma, we can heal the rest.
Who is Tim Fletcher?
Tim Fletcher is the Founder and President of RE/ACT (Recovery Education for Addictions and Complex Trauma). He used his skills as a pastor and counsellor to develop a program to help the people he cared for overcome addiction. He realized the need for individuals to first become equipped with tools, and then put those tools into practice in a healthy, safe and loving environment - and herein lies his unique skill.
During his early years, he learned that everyone has a loved one who struggles with addiction, and many people struggled with unrealized addictions and unhealthy coping techniques. He found that 97% of addicts also struggled from Complex Trauma (C-PTSD) - corroborating the research of Dr. Gabor Maté. After researching C-PTSD which was identified as, “A series of events that occur where a victim feels unsafe, and as such, develops mental disorders which inhibit them from coping in stressful or harmful circumstances”, he concluded that research was showing that there is a physical difference between the brains of those who grew up in loving and nurturing homes and those who didn’t – before any addiction became prevalent.
He developed a list of 60 Characteristics of Complex Trauma and created seminars to go along with them. He later took his teachings about Complex Trauma a step further in the context of mental health issues. He described C-PTSD as, “An actual or realized ongoing experience during childhood which causes a youth to repeatedly feel unsafe or unloved, resulting in life-long mental un-wellness and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
His acts of service to his own community came from a place of overcoming weakness in his own life. Today, he wants to build awareness about Complex Trauma and gather support emotionally and financially for those who were struggling. The tagline “with love” promotes the organization as a judgement-free space where everyone is accepted regardless of their flaws - we just won’t leave you in the same place you showed up in.

“Our brains are wired for connection, but trauma rewires them for protection. That’s why healthy relationships are difficult for wounded people.” - Ryan North
Mission, Vision + Values
To offer a safe, loving and respectful environment and programs that address the biological, psychological social and spiritual aspects of healing for people who suffer from addictions, trauma, and/ or spiritual brokenness that they may experience a measure of freedom from the effects of these while becoming better equipped to face future challenges.
Breaking the cycle of Complex Trauma by empowering individuals to lead successful lives, teaching them to be advocates for loving family homes and communities, and creating great change all across the globe, starting with a ton of unconditional love.
Everyone is accepted with flaws – In every aspect of our brand, everyone is loved and accepted exactly the way that they are. That doesn’t mean we aren’t all a little screwed up, but if we start with love, then we know that we’re going to be ok!
Through education, we advocate to bring better understanding and awareness to the relevance and truth of Complex Trauma. With better information, loved ones are able to offer better support – a critical component in providing lasting healing.
More loving family homes = less addictions. The ongoing nurturing of people in loving homes is the first step to achieving real healing, but it’s also the last step in preventing addictions from happening in the future. So with a family-mindset, and a direct focus on family relationships, our community must have the love and warmth that comes with a healthy family-type of environment.
We are an alliance in every community – In all of our activities we act as a conduit between Complex Trauma and a loving/ supportive community. We work alongside individuals, support groups, organizations, counsellors and agencies from the ground up, and we do not discriminate – at all – ever. We are easily accessible, and will become an integral part of your community. We give back, we support, and we promote positivity in everything that we do. We co-exist alongside addiction recovery centres and programs, many which highly recommend RE/ACT as a part of patient after-care programs.
We are truly, free – We are completely judgement free – which is why we corporately are non-religious, even though we do offer a Christian perspective to every aspect of our videos and content. We offer honest love without any strings attached to anyone who seeks help and support. If Churches would like to start RE/ACT, they are free to add their own content as they see fit. If organizations would like to take adaptations of the teachings and implement them into their programs, they are absolutely able to by signing a license agreement.
Knowledge is power – We are the very first organization in the world to adopt the paradigm shift of Complex Trauma in recovery completely. Our premier teachings from Tim Fletcher will plant the seeds to help people actually get healthy – beginning with taking a look at Complex Trauma and how it negatively affects early brain development.
Trauma is not what happens to you. Trauma is what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you. - Gabor Maté
Our programs and training environments encourage participants to look at early childhood environments with a different type of lens; not only focusing on seemingly obvious, (largely traumatic) events, but on all of the pieces that may have played a role. We investigate biological, psychological, social and spiritual factors with a measure of curiosity, compassion and love. By examining the entire picture, we are able to see that several aspects of early childhood can be traumatic, resulting in shame-based identity development, unsound coping adaptations, and unhealthy relationship attachments.
We’re here to safely connect with, and help you explore that journey of discovery - together!