Complex Trauma Healing for Addiction Treatment Centres
Addressing a substance addiction leaves behind 59 other unhealthy ways of coping with Complex Trauma. Introduce helpful tool-based programs that truly address the underlying issues.
Complex Trauma Healing for Churches
Churches need to become better equipped to compassionately help those who struggle with addictions and mental health. We have resources for your leadership and membership.
Complex Trauma Healing for the Corrections Sector
There are large gaps in the world of corrections. Nearly all inmates grew up in Complex Trauma. We offer programs to help people who are incarcerated begin the conversation about Complex Trauma.
Complex Trauma Healing with Indigenous Organizations
Powerful wisdom from Indigenous teachings complements the practical Complex Trauma tools that RE/ACT offers. The combination prompts a “seeing with both eyes” approach.
Complex Trauma Healing for Mental Health Organizations
People who struggle with addictions also most-often also have mental health issues as well. Dealing with Complex Trauma provides a holistic healing approach that gets to the root causes of common issues.
What is RE/ACT?
Tim Fletcher explains what RE/ACT is, how it started, and a little bit more about the philosophy behind his 3-Phased approach to thriving beyond Complex Trauma.
Complex Trauma Healing in the Social Services Sector
How do people who work in the Social Services Sector get there, and why do they choose this profession? People from Complex Trauma are more likely to want to find ways to give back and help others.
Complex Trauma Healing for Teens
“I wish I had learned these tools years ago” - words spoken by nearly every RE/ACT program participant. What is the importance of early intervention? Tim talks about the ACCEL Program.